Our team of medical professionals have developed in-depth resources for prescribers covering all the required information to confidently and compliantly prescribe this new treatment option. We also offer prescriber patient resources like a Dosing Diary and Titration Pad which will assist you in monitoring your patient as they start taking their cannabis medicines, a SAS requirement.

Contact our team today at medical@lgpharma.com.au or call 1300 118 840 and request hard or soft copies of our resources to be sent to you, or book in a 1:1 time to talk

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How to stay informed about medical cannabis

It is our goal to keep you up-to-date and to have access to the most recent TGA/ prescribing guidelines, industry news and product information. Stay informed by requesting access to our monthly newsletterGreen Extracts’ by signing up to the Medical Portal.

LGP’s medical cannabis portal

Our Medical Portal is designed to give healthcare professionals the resources they need to assist with patient enquiries, and to assist with the prescription of medical cannabis. This includes providing comprehensive education for healthcare professionals to better understand cannabinoid therapy and its research as well as tips and resources to assist your treatment decision, helping you dispense the suitable product and to guide you through the approval process.

Want to unlock access to more recordings and resources?

Register now for access to our medical portal.

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