Doctor Information

Dedicated support for doctors

At Little Green Pharma, our priorities are the same as yours: patients.

As an established and reliable, Australian medical cannabis company, we’re here to simplify everything to do with medical cannabis so you’ll know exactly when and how to prescribe this treatment option, and how it fits with other medications in your prescriber toolkit.

Our experienced Medical Team has been helping doctors understand and prescribe medical cannabis since we launched Australia’s first locally grown products in 2018.

All product information is available in our Medical Portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Little Green Pharma has been assisting prescribers since 2018 and has a Medical Team who can help you with:

  • Application support with TGA SAS B and Authorised Prescriber applications
  • Evidence to support the use of medicinal cannabis for a particular condition
  • Dosing guidance and product selection based on other prescriber feedback and case studies
  • Free education and training, including webinars and access to workshops with CPD accreditation


Yes, a national, peer-reviewed medicinal cannabis study published in the international scientific journal Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, reported the effects of a  Little Green Pharma medication  on chronic refractory pain in patients who had not experienced relief with existing pain medication including opioids, NSAIDs and steroids.

If you would like to learn more about this research please contact our medical team.

No, you don’t need to be an Authorised Prescriber.

There are a number of access pathways, including the Authorised Prescriber Pathway (approval for a group of patients). The most common application pathway is via TGA SAS B applications (approval per patient). Ask our Medical Team for more information about the TGA application pathways.

In February 2021 The TGA down-scheduled certain low dose cannabidiol (CBD) preparations from Schedule 4 to Schedule 3. However, there are currently NO approved CBD products that meet the criteria to be sold over the counter. Therefore patients can only access CBD via their prescriber who will use the TGA Special Access or Authorised Prescriber Scheme.

Medicinal cannabis oil is the  most common method of administration in Australia due to the longer duration of therapeutic benefit than other delivery methods. It is expected that taking medicinal cannabis products orally would be more useful for medical conditions or symptoms where control over longer periods of time is sought— similar to the use of slow release medications.

Compared to vaporising cannabis flower, cannabis oil is discreet, convenient and less regular dosing required than dried flower as duration of effect is longer.

Our dosing diary helps give patients a helpful guide for any medical cannabis ingestion method.

Vaporisation of medicinal cannabis flower (also known as ‘vaping’) allows for quick onset of therapeutic benefit and acute symptom relief.

Please contact our medical team for more information on whA quick onset of action might be required when treating conditions such as:

  • Breakthrough pain
  • Insomnia (specifically not being able to fall asleep)
  • PTSD
  • Panic attacks
  • Anxiety.

Please note that the current national legislation is that it’s illegal to have THC in your body whilst driving or operating machinery, regardless of impairment levels.

There is one product in our range which has undetectable amounts of THC according to independent laboratory testing.

As a medical practitioner you are able to prescribe any medicinal cannabis product, however if it contains THC, you should advise your patient to not drive or operate machinery whilst taking this medication.

You can contact us for more information or a patient consent form.

A patient can check with their individual workplace to see if holding a current prescription for medicinal cannabis means they are able to have CBD and/ or THC in their system. If no THC is allowed, then we have a CBD only product available for consideration.

If a patient advises you that they have been smoking or vaping illegally-sourced cannabis flower, then it is likely this product contains high amounts of THC. If the patient has been getting therapeutic effect from this product then you can consider prescribing a medical cannabis product with THC.

Some patients may advise they have been using CBD only products and seeing positive results. Please note that illegal ‘CBD only’ products advertise they have no THC, but a recent study found 94% in fact contained detectable THC, and 75% contained almost no CBD at all. If a patient compares a pharmaceutical grade CBD-only medicine with an illicit product it will likely be very different due to the controlled content of active ingredient/s.

You’ll notice a world of difference in the service & support you and your patients receive via our Customer Care and Medical Teams.

  • We offer after-hours assistance as well as free education and training to prescribers.
  • Growing locally, our premium range of oil & flower medicines are affordable and comply with strict Australian manufacturing requirements.
  • We offer discounted medication via compassionate access or clinical studies to patients who need assistance.
  • You can confidently prescribe our medicines with assurance of quality, efficacy & continuous supply.

At Little Green Pharma the patient is at the centre of everything we do and we are here to make it easier for you to help your patients. Check out our newsletter for updates and important information.


Doctor Reviews

What our customers say

It has been a wonderful experience to prescribe LGP products with easy access to staff support. Patients also have been giving good feedback.

Dr Nick


Little Green Pharma have helped me at every step of my journey into prescribing medicinal cannabis. They have provided me with educational materials, both for myself and my patients and helped me with TGA applications, which has led me to being an Authorised Prescriber. This combination of educational support and compassionate access make it very easy for me to recommend Little Green Pharma for your medicinal cannabis needs.

Dr Andrew


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