In 2016, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) became legal in Australia for medicinal use. However, it is still a restricted substance and only accessible with a valid medical prescription. There are a number of THC products available for patients that have potential therapeutic benefits. By following the correct procedures, doctors may prescribe medicinal THC products to patients across Australia. The exact process varies depending on your state or territory, so staying updated on local laws and regulations is imperative to anyone manufacturing, prescribing, or using medicinal cannabis. Little Green Pharma (LGP) is a leading provider of medicinal cannabis, making strides toward quality, reliable cannabis medicines that are effective and accessible.

Is THC legal in Australia?

THC has been legal in Australia for medical purposes since 2016. This came as part of nationwide legislation. Despite its legality, THC is currently only accessible through a prescription. That means the production, distribution, and consumption of cannabis, including THC, in Australia is still heavily regulated. The primary organisation overseeing medicinal THC is the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). They’re responsible for approving therapeutic medicines which are appropriate for use. This is to ensure patients access reliable and effective treatment. However, it’s important to note that unapproved medicines are not necessarily harmful to patients. The TGA provides a list of unregistered THC products so doctors may still prescribe them by going through the proper application pathways. Manufacturing or consuming non-medical cannabis and THC products is still illegal across Australia to varying degrees.

How do laws surrounding THC vary in Australia?

Laws surrounding THC may vary across Australian states and territories. For instance, in states such as Victoria and New South Wales, those caught with non-prescription cannabis under a certain amount will be issued a caution, whereas in other places like Queensland, being caught with cannabis without a prescription carries harsher consequences. However, medicinal cannabis, including products containing THC, are generally allowed across all states as per the legislation. In some states, extra approvals from state health authorities could be required to issue certain products. If you’re travelling interstate, ensure you carry proof of your prescription, and keep your medicine in its original container with clear labelling. Understanding these regional differences is important for both patients and medicinal THC providers to navigate this diverse landscape effectively. Staying informed about THC laws keeps you updated on the permissible sale and usage of THC products throughout Australia.

Which THC products are legal in Australia?

There are a number of THC products which can be legally prescribed in Australia. THC may come in the form of capsules, tinctures, oils, flowers, and more. These products vary in cost, availability, and consumption methods. For instance, some THC products may be ingested, inhaled, or used in a topical form to place directly on affected areas. To access this range of products, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your doctor. A registered medical practitioner may prescribe medicinal THC if they feel it will benefit their patient’s condition, and if their patient has been unsuccessful with other treatments. To prescribe THC products which are not listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), your doctor will need to seek approval from the TGA. This is done by applying through the Special Access Scheme, for prescribing a product to a singular patient, or the Authorised Prescriber Scheme, for prescribing a product to multiple patients.

Which types of THC products are legal in Australia?

Legal THC product types in Australia are separated into categories based on the amount of THC present. The first three categories are reserved for medicines with CBD as the primary ingredient, whereas categories four and five list THC as the dominant ingredient. Category four THC medicines are comprised of 60% or more THC, but less than 98%. Category five THC products are at least 98% THC. These products are also known as their two primary forms: isolate or full spectrum. Isolate products are either only THC or only cannabidiol (CBD). Full spectrum THC products are made from a variety of cannabinoids, including CBD. Although these THC products are legal in Australia, patients are prohibited from driving or operating heavy machinery with THC in their system in all states except Tasmania. This is because THC has a psychoactive component that may impair cognitive function. Currently, police roadside testing does not evaluate your cognitive ability, they only test for the presence of THC, which can take days or even weeks to leave your system. Many workplaces in Australia also include THC on their list of banned substances, even if you hold a prescription. If these restrictions cause issues, speak with your doctor about CBD-only alternatives that align with your lifestyle requirements.

Learn more about THC

Learn about THC and how you can utilise it as an Australian resident.

THC in Australia

We unpack the differences between CBD and THC medical cannabis products. Find out which is best suited to you.


Learn about what effects to expect when taking THC products.

THC Effects

THC comes in a range of different product types, this page unpacks all of them.

THC Products in Australia
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